Monday, January 19, 2009

rambling on a snowy evening

It has felt nice to have three days off from work and selfishly I am hoping that the snow that is falling will continue and cause me to have four days off. It probably isn't likely since we have already used our allotted snow days for the school year. Every year we use all of our allotted snow days and every year it is headline news that we have yet again gone over our snow days. Why? Why is anyone shocked by this? We live in an area that is use to getting several inches of snow at once, sometimes several feet at once, and one that is rural with poor roads into said rural areas, so does it really need to be front page stuff? How about someone reports on all the gang related graffitti that has started popping up around town, I'm curious about that not about snow days.

Oh well, I am at least hoping for a delay that way I won't have to get up at 5-Oh-My-God-o'clock in the morning to go the the Y before I go teach the youth of America their ABC's. Yes, I am getting up before the moon has even left the sky to go to the local YMCA to whip my butt back in shape. Max, surprisingly, is coming along with me with minimal complaining. That probably isn't even fair to say as I don't think he has truly complained once, he actually seems kind of excited about it. It feels good to be worn out at the end of the day. I am sleeping better, and more alert during the work day. My favorite thing to do is the rowing machine, Max can't hang with me on it though. He had never rowed a boat until we got together, sad I know.


Joshua Cross said...

Gang-related graffiti?

Max going to the Y at 5 a.m.?

What the heck is going on in Beckley in my absence?

Unknown said...

Row, row, row your can have it. I rock the treadmill with a 8 degree incline. What now?!?!