Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

The crazy ass dreams have started again. *sigh* It has been a few months since I have been bothered by them. Some nights are better than others. Some dreams it takes me anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes after waking to realize that it was a dream, that whatever I dreamed about didn't happen, that my family is alright, and so forth. Others I realize as soon as I wake up that I was having a dream. Then there are some that are in some ways like a warning or that I am supposed to figure something out from them. Isn't that crazy? Maybe I am crazy. It kind of makes me feel crazy because there is only one other person who I know or have talked to that dreams the way I do and it is my Dad. Max rarely remembers his dreams but I tend to remember mine almost every night. Mom never remembers her dreams. What causes a person to have vivid dreams? What causes some people to be more prone to nightmares than others? When Max does remember his dreams they are never bad, mine are typically very disturbing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My dreams aren't bad because I turn into a flippin' super hero in them. Like, I take out all da bad guys! You should be a super hero when you grow up! :)

I bet it pays better than teaching!