Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been considering changing grade levels next school year. I love teaching Pre-K and really do enjoy that age group of children there are some days that I feel like a baby-sitter. I love history and reading and would love to teach those more in depth than I get to currently. I think that I could if I got into the upper elementary grades, however that is when children are being required to take state standardized tests and so much teaching gets focused on trying to make AYP so that we aren't placed on probation. Maybe the grass isn't greener...

I guess I am going to have to make an appointment with a doctor soon. I was at the Y about a week ago and got finished on the rowing machine. I took a drink of water and Max walked over to talk to me. About then was when my hearing started to go. Then my vision started to get blurry with some black spots. To make a long story short I ended up blacking out for about a minute. A couple trainers came over and we determined it was an episode of hypoglycemia. Then on Sunday I did the same thing but before going to the Y. I purchased some glucose tablets at Kroger to keep in my purse hoping to deal with it before I get to the point of blacking out. Checked my blood sugar and it is running a little bit low even after eating.

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