Friday, January 23, 2009

jackson hole

Max and I are trying to decide on a vacation destination for this summer and want to do something different. Although different for us would honestly be going to the beach as we have never done that before. We have both been talking about going out west for a while like to Arizona or New Mexico but with it being a 30 hour drive and Max's fear of airplanes we will probably end up driving somewhere. I myself am partial to the idea of going to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and staying on a guest ranch or at a bed and breakfast. However if we are going to drive to Jackson Hole we may as well drive to Arizona. To drive to Jackson Hole would be a 28 hour drive. I just get so tired of saying "one day". One day time is going to be up and I will remember a 28 hour drive with Max to Wyoming versus saving our money because the economy is bad. This is not saying that I will make irresponsible choices because let's face it I am if nothing else always responsible. A lot of things have come up in recent years to make me realize how fast my life is passing away and how precious time really is. I never in a million years would have guessed that my Dad would have to have an organ transplant. I'm sure Matt thought that his Dad would be around for many more years to come. Life changes in an instant.

Anyway, this was supposed to be about vacations but it got twisted around. Any suggestions on where to go?


Joshua Cross said...

So, would a trip to Arizona involve passing through Oklahoma? It would be a good way to split up the trip and have a free place to crash!

Wendi said...

I'm sure that if we drove all the way to Arizona we would definitely stop in Oklahoma on the way through.

Joshua Cross said...

Then I vote Arizona. Who wants to go to Wyoming anyway?

Unknown said...

No time for pit stops. How about you meet us in Arizona? It'll be fun. ;)