Thursday, November 27, 2008


These last few days have been a blur to say the least. My uncle, Matt's Dad, passed away suddenly on Sunday afternoon. Max and I had gotten up that morning and went to Charleston Christmas shopping we were close to being finished for the day and had stopped for something to eat at Fazoli's when Max's phone rang. It was my Mom calling his phone which was unusual but he handed it to me. She delivered the bad news, I feel sure I made a fool out of myself but when am I ever going to see any of those people again. Anyway, I took Monday off from work and sat with my Grandma while the rest of the family went to make funeral arrangements. Tuesday was the wake and yesterday was the funeral. I think that this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my short life. I just can't wrap my brain around what has happened. Matt is holding up amazingly well. It felt so good to hear him laugh. I basically haven't been home in three days, the dishes are piled up, the laundry is piled higher than the dishes. We have been spending the majority of our free time between my parents house and Matt's. Today is going to be hard. How fair is it to have to bury your father the day before Thanksgiving? Or husband, or son for that matter...

I am thankful this year for the amazing family that I have. We are all very close and have been very supportive of each other. We have never been a family that tells each other how much we love them but we are always there no matter what. I'm thankful to have an amazing husband who has put up with a lot these last few days.

1 comment:

Joshua Cross said...

Hang in there, Wendi. I hope you're doing well, and I'll see you and Max soon.