Tuesday, August 19, 2008

last day of summer

I really can't believe that summer is over. I had big plans for the summer and for the most part they didn't happen. There were just a lot of things that I wanted to accomplish and didn't. I'm looking forward to school starting up again, I am not looking forward to how busy I am during the school year. I tried to get organized over the summer to help with next year and I did get some lesson plans done so that should help with the time issues. I have to drive to South Charleston next semester for grad school, and I am not looking forward to that at all. Max usually goes with me and we usually always eat somewhere with really yummy food so I guess that is a bonus.

I don't know why but I have always loved summer. I have always loved the heat, we didn't have as much heat this year and I missed it. I didn't go swimming as much this summer either. And I didn't get to the lake this summer. I know that summer is not officially over yet and there are still several more days of heat to come, but when school gets in to full swing it is hard to do things.

Well, I guess I will go enjoy my final day of complete freedom.

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