Tuesday, February 17, 2009

spring fever

The last seven days have made me long for spring to return. I loved being able to put away the hats and gloves and all the other winter gear, not have to trudge through snow at 5:00 AM into the Y, being able to take the children outside. I knew it wouldn't last. Forecast for the rest of the week is SNOW. I dislike snow. It's beautiful to look at sure, but I don't enjoy the cold that comes along for the ride. I can't handle the cold. I can't stand to be cold. I don't know when that changed in me, when I was younger I couldn't take heat. I would get sick on many summer days from heat. Now the opposite happens, I literally get nauseas if I get too cold. Isn't that strange? Had a great Valentine's Day weekend. Max sent me flowers! We sat at home on Saturday and I cooked dinner and we watched a bunch of movies and just relaxed. It was so nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them. And remember, snow and cold mean only one thing...Spring is on its way. It will be here before you know it. :)