Saturday, March 28, 2009


Sometimes song lyrics say more than I could ever say...

"And I fear, my fear is greater than my faith but I walk the missionary way"

Stupid, stupid fear of everything. Stupid, stupid panic attacks.

That is all.

Monday, March 23, 2009

phonemes, morphemes, and graphemes, oh my!

If you can't tell by the title, grad school is sucking the life out of me. I have this pull in me to go west and am jealous to see that Joshua is doing so. I've been sick for two weeks. I guess that is what I get for bragging that I hadn't been sick this school year. First a stomach virus, now a sinus infection. I have a feeling we are about to go to year round school and I'm not real sure how I feel about that. Teachers have been getting some extremely bad press this legislative session. It is always front page stuff. Honestly don't know what I will do if we do go to year round school, they won't increase our pay that's for sure. They are trying to pass a bill that allows the state to not pay teachers when school is cancelled due to a snow day, and also one to regulate how teachers dress. And they wonder why they can't keep teachers in state... Like I said I really don't know what I will do if they go to year round schooling. The pay won't make it worth staying I can work other jobs and make just as much or more and have less headache. I'm looking forward to spring break, after that it is all down hill.