Sunday, December 28, 2008

almost new year

With the New Year quickly approaching I have been thinking about the dreaded, or sometimes not so dreaded, resolutions. They always fall by the wayside around March anyway, but this year is going to be different. My resolutions aren't going to focus on things like money or any of the other silly things that I could resolve to do. This year I have a different focus. I have realized that the pace that I have been pushing myself at isn't healthy and things like school just aren't that important to me anymore. There have been problems on the homefront some minor, others have been on the major side that have to be fixed. Some have resolved on their own, others are going to take effort. I refuse to be a statistic. I plan to spend more time with family and friends in the new year because as I learned in 2008 you just never know what will happen. I resolve to like myself again. I resolve to find passion and enjoyment again instead of going through the motions day to day, and because money had to slip in somewhere I resolve to pay off at least one credit card.